Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Radar Watching: November 2011

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As I have noted in the past, since the home price index data provided by Radar Logic is more timely, unadjusted and un-smoothed it is particularly useful for gaining deeper visibility over our housing markets.

As for the latest trends, it’s important to note that the 25-MSA Composite is continuing to show significant year-over-year declines and has now dropped well below all recent lows reaching a level not seen since early 2003.

The latest data shows that as of late November, prices have declined 7.11% below the level seen in
November 2010 while continuing to turn down from a seasonal peak reached in mid-June.

With the spring/summer selling season now complete and declining prices now registering with regularity, there is nowhere for prices to go but down. Look for a declining trend to continue to materialize and likely run into March or April of 2012.

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