Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Turkish President Abdullah Gül answers your questions on YouTube World View
In the last 10 days, users from all around the world asked 2,692 questions and cast 98,038 votes to determine the most popular questions for the Turkish President Abdullah Gül. You can now head over to www.youtube.com/worldview to watch the President answer a selection of challenging questions ranging from Turkey’s involvement in the current affairs of Syria and the Middle East, the issues of Kurdish minorities, the soaring unemployment rates in the education sector and how he feels he has changed as a person since he became the President. The World View interview was shot in the glamorous reception hall of the Çankaya Presidential compound, with Oğuz Haksever from local media partner, NTV, acting as the moderator.
Zeynep Inanoğlu, Head of Consumer Marketing, Google Turkey, recently watched, “Fighting for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015.”
Zeynep Inanoğlu, Head of Consumer Marketing, Google Turkey, recently watched, “Fighting for an AIDS Free Generation by 2015.”
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