Kamis, 15 September 2011

Watch Jonah Hill live on YouTube this Friday at 4pm PT

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Fans of comedy star Jonah Hill, pull up a chair and join us. Jonah’s stopping by YouTube this Friday for a live streaming Q&A at 4pm PT to celebrate the release of his new movie, Moneyball.

The film tells the story of how baseball’s Oakland A’s used statistical analysis to compete against teams with much higher payrolls. As the A’s are one of two baseball teams local to YouTube HQ, we’re particularly happy to welcome Jonah as our guest.

As well as starring opposite Brad Pitt in Moneyball, Jonah appeared in some of the most popular comedies of recent years, including Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin and Funny People, all of which were directed by comedy auteur and mentor Judd Apatow. We’ll be asking Jonah about this and more, and he’s looking for you share your questions too:

Find out the human-interest story behind the statistics when we throw Jonah some curveballs. Fans of comedy know he’s sure to knock a few out of the park.

Mark Day, Comedy Programs Manager, recently watched “Dr Seuss Versus Shakespeare. Epic Rap Battles of History #12.”

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