Senin, 07 Juni 2010
Launching Blogger Video Tutorials

I am very much excited to launch our new section here in Blogger Tricks... "Blogger Video Tutorials". To make sure that you benefit in the best manner from this site, I have been working on this passionately for the past few days and have done about 25 video tutorials. Watch out for more interesting tutorials in the next few days.
Why video tutorials?
Well, to give you guys a fantastic multimedia experience where you can learn four times faster than reading lengthy texts. I saw the amazing result myself; reason enough to awaken myself to the fantastic world of video tutorials. Last year, I had uploaded a blogger tutorial to Youtube, just a basic video with poor quality. But people liked what they saw and I ended up with 50k views and 60+ comments. This gives me a strong reason to believe that video tutorials rock big time and I am going to make sure that all of my readers get the best.
So now, just sit coolly and watch the steps, maximize your learning experience and implement what you�ve learnt in your blog and watch your blog traffic and revenue rise.
Thanks for all your support and comments. My apologies for not being active for the past 6 months because I was busy with my exams. Now with the worst behind me(my exams..ha ha ha), I am ready to go full throttle on video tutorials, these 25 that I have done should be very useful for the newbies.
To your blogging success (now in a multimedia experience)
Here are some of them:
How to add Favicon to your Blogger blog ?
How to add Meta tags to your blog ?
How to submit blogger sitemap to Google ?
How to submit blogger sitemap to Yahoo ?
How to add adsense inside blog posts ?
How to add POLL inside Blog post ?
How to add Email subscription box to your blog ?
How to upload Javascript files to your blogger blog ?
How to add ALT text to images for more traffic ?
and many more....
and will add many many more soon...
Looking forward for your comments and any suggestions :)
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